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Artur Verbitsky

Real Estate

About Artur Verbitsky

Artur Verbitsky is a resident of Miami, Florida, and a part-time resident of Los Angeles, California, where he has been building his career and experience for years as a professional operating within the world of real estate. As a real estate investor, Artur has his hands in multiple different markets, including in Miami, Los Angeles, and New York. Presently, he primarily operates out of Miami and Los Angeles but previously was much more heavily involved in the market in New York. The New York real estate market is one of the most lucrative and intense markets in the United States, and dealing in it is certainly not for the faint of heart. That being said, the markets in Miami and Los Angeles are certainly no cakewalk and also provide exciting and rewarding challenges for Artur as well.

As a professional, Artur Verbitsky operates by the belief that community and camaraderie are the key components of society, which is why he doesn’t gatekeep or withhold his knowledge from others. Artur believes that we all need to help each other grow in life; lifting each other up along the way is the best path forward for helping everyone achieve their goals and find success. It’s important to remain gracious and giving and not be selfish — always lend a helping hand whenever you can.

When he isn’t busy with his work in real estate, Artur Verbitsky likes to find ways to be a positive force in his community. Whenever he’s in Los Angeles, Artur makes time to volunteer with Trina’s Kids Foundation. Founded on the mission of empowering at-risk urban youth, Trina’s Kids Foundation works with well-established group homes and youth development programs that are already active on a grassroots level and are focused on impacting the same causes and issues as the Foundation. 

Artur Verbitsky also loves to spend time traveling, as well. While he has plenty of opportunities to travel domestically through his career and his volunteer work, Artur also loves to travel for the joy of seeing new places and meeting new people; trying new foods is always an exciting experience as well. Additionally, whether he’s traveling or not, Artur also loves to de-stress and unwind by playing tennis, a sport he enjoys immensely that also helps to keep him healthy and active. 

If you’re looking for more information about Artur or want some expert travel tips, be sure to visit his blog page and his travel site for additional information!